Resourceful bills
Brand Identity
Creative Strategy
Tagline Development
Bill’s a man with gritty hands and green thumbs. The first to rise and the last to sleep, he celebrates the art of making; by tending to his crops, hobbies, and customers with a passion that’s unquestioned and unparalleled. Whether he’s over here or over yonder, Bill’s hard at work, gettin’ dirty in the dirt, and goofin’ with the green stuff.
Tasked with bringing this character and name into physical form, we went on a real-world exploration to Grandpa Bill’s farmhouse, so we could see what being resourceful is really about. In addition to that, we spent some time on the road in the Succulent Slinger, a van prepared to for pop-up business and efficient travel. The resulting strategy has focused on determination, grit, and a little bit of wacky, and Resourceful Bill’s story comes alive as the focal point of their brand.