Taco punks

Brand Identity
Creative Strategy
Apparel and Merchandise
Package Design
Event Marketing


What do you do when you can’t get tacos off your mind? Morning, Day, and Night you crave delicious proteins, vegetables, tortillas, and sauces, and there’s no place to put all those emotions. Nobody is going to solve this problem for you, it’s on you to turn it into an opportunity; and that’s exactly what we did.

Tacos Punks was a collaborative art show, put together by Nichole M.K. and Stuffed Brain Studio, with assistance from Plaza Corp, Satellite Records, and Elena Campos Catering. Together, we took several summer time conversations about our favorite food group, and fueled the concept into an imaginary food truck.

The show consisted of illustrations, paintings, installations, and a large mural. In addition to that, we branded apparel and merchandise, including buttons, shirts, menus, and hot sauce. Taco Punks was a passion project that showcased the dynamic abilities of two individual artists, and how their collaboration created an even stronger art experience.
